Andromeda Conquest

Genre: Strategy
Plattformen: DOS, Apple II, Commodore C64/128/MAX, Atari 8-bit, FM-7, TRS-80, Commodore PET
Armoured space troopers moved quickly from building to shattered building. Throughout the flames and the billowing smoke of the devastated city small combat airships swooped, seeking out remnants of resistance. Huge metal and plasteel crawlers stalked throughh the remains of the city, turrents rotating, occasionally firing a burst of anti-personnel weaponry at some unseen opponent. In a few spots some small fighting still went on, but the outcome had been certain since that morning, when the defensive shields finally yielded to fleet bombardment.

Half-way around the planet, at invasion headquarters, a communications officer moved quietly towards a violet scaled humanoid watching a video screen and saluted.

"Your Grace, all task forces have reported in. Jhodleth has fallen. All resistance will be supressed by nightfall."

The Admiral was quiet for a while, watching the death throes of the last holdout of the native race, and the final step in the planetary conquest.

"Inform the Sauroidi Admirality. We will leave the planet to the colonists within the week."

He did not even turn his head.

Quite a while later, in a room parsecs from the conquered planet, another sauroid glaced out across the dark room. Tiny lights shone on and within a huge translucent sphere in the center of the room in a seemingly random array. The lights were several different colors, and some of them blinked furiously. As the creature watched, one of the flashing red lights went dark for a second, then came back on as a steady purple. His Supreme Omnipotence, the Emperor of the Sauroidi, turned and left the room, smiling to himself.

Erscheint am 31/12/1982


Andromeda Conquest ist ein Strategie-/Eroberungsspiel, in dem ein bis vier Spieler galaktische Imperien aufbauen, indem sie Weltraumkolonien gründen und verteidigen, Ressourcen verwalten und gegen andere Spieler um die Kontrolle von Sternensystemen kämpfen. Vor jedem Spielzug erhalten die Spieler Ressourcen von allen ihren Kolonien. Diese müssen während des Zuges verbraucht werden, sonst sind sie verloren. Je nach Spielerzahl besteht die Galaxie aus 12 bis 48 Sternensystemen.

Das Layout ist gitterförmig, und das Paket enthält einen Block Millimeterpapier, um die Positionen der Schiffe und Kolonien festzuhalten.

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