God of War: Ascension - Collector's Edition
Adventure, Hack and slash/Beat 'em up
PlayStation 3
In a war between the astronomically large deities known as the Primordials, the madness and rage of the war took form, becoming the three guardians of honor, the Furies, who were tasked with exacting retribution onto any oath-breaker or betrayer. The first victim of the Furies was the Hecatonchires, Aegaeon, who had broken a blood oath to Zeus himself. The Furies set about their task, and, believing death to be too kind for one who had broken an oath to a God, transformed Aegaeon's humongous body into a stone prison for all who would dare follow his example in the future.
Erscheint am 12/03/2013
Die God of War: Ascension Collector's Edition für PlayStation 3 enthält eine exklusive 8-Zoll-Kratos-Statue, eine Premium-Steelbook-Hülle, den offiziellen Soundtrack zum Spiel (digitale Version), ein dynamisches PS3-Thema, ein PSN-Avatar-Paket, eine doppelte XP-Freischaltung für den Multiplayer-Modus und einen Pass für zukünftige DLC-Inhalte.