Hakuoki Shinkai Reimeiroku

Genre: Visual Novel
Plattform: Nintendo Switch
Years before the beginning of Hakuouki, the Shinsengumi was known as the Mibu Roushigumi. A wandering young man named Ibuki Ryuunosuke falls in with the group by chance just after they first come to Kyoto, and while grudgingly making friends with the members within, witnesses the dawning era of the Shinsengumi.

Erscheint am 26/08/2021


This game takes place before main Hakuoki games, during early days of Shinsengumi. You play as a male character and gather not romance affection points like in the other otome games, but friend affection points with Shinsengumi members.
Included in this version of the game, are all the scenarios that were added as extra content in the past ports of this game.

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