Marvel Future Revolution

Genre: Role-playing (RPG)
Plattformen: Android, iOS
Earths from different realities are colliding, destroying each other. The heroes of one Earth attempt to stop this "Convergence" but fail. When all hope is lost, Vision sacrifices himself to merge several Earths together peacefully into a single Primary Earth. The new planet is unstable however, and the Convergence is still ongoing. To maintain their new world and seek a permanent solution to the Convergence, the Omega Flight is formed from heroes of different Earths.

The player's character is recruited into the Omega Flight by their counterpart from the technologically advanced New Stark City. After stopping the threat of Ultron from another Earth, they fight to oppose the invasion of Thanos from yet another reality into the regions of Hydra Empire and Xandearth. When Doctor Strange attempts to try and use the Yggdrasil as the solution to Convergence, the task of bringing the last seed of the World Tree back to life takes the player to the regions of Midgardia, Sakaar and the Dark Domain.

Erscheint am 25/08/2021


Marvel Future Revolution ist Marvels erstes Open-World-Rollenspiel für das Handy und bietet eine originelle Story mit den beliebtesten Marvel-Superhelden und Superschurken. Marvel Future Revolution wurde von dem erfahrenen Comic-Autor Marc Sumerak (Avengers, Thor, Iron Man, Fantastic Four, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, etc.) geschrieben und beginnt damit, dass zahlreiche Erden über mehrere Dimensionen hinweg zu einer völlig neuen "Primären Erde" verschmelzen. Als Agenten des neu gegründeten Superhelden-Teams "Omega Flight" werden die Spieler zusammenarbeiten, um einen Ansturm von Superschurken zu bekämpfen, sich ihren ruchlosen Machenschaften entgegenzustellen und das Universum zu verteidigen.

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