Nazo Puyo
Strategy, Puzzle
Nintendo 3DS, Sega Game Gear
In Quest Mode, you are given a challenge and then a field that may or may not already have puyo in it. You must complete the challenge in the minimum number of puyo necessary. If you fail to, the game will generate a random string of puyo which will never allow you to complete the mission again, requiring you to either fill the screen or give up. Otherwise, controls are the same as Puyo Puyo.
If a field has puyo in it that are not all on the ground, or four or more puyo of the same color connected, you will be able to position one pair of puyo before they all fall down/are removed. This will be essential to completing such missions.
The puzzle creator allows you to make your own Nazo Puyo puzzles. Making puzzles requires navigating several screens through a menu. The first screen lets you lay out the initial board; 1 places a puyo, holding 2 and moving the D-pad selects a puyo to place from the right. The second screen chooses a puzzle: Up and Down change the puzzle, Left and Right increase the number/changes the color, and 1/2 make a selection. The third screen chooses which colors of puyo will show up; 1/2 toggle. The fourth screen chooses the pairs of puyo that fall — controls are the same as those of the first screen, and after the eight one, the game will give two random colors. The fifth screen is the actual puzzle; the sixth returns to the main menu.
If a field has puyo in it that are not all on the ground, or four or more puyo of the same color connected, you will be able to position one pair of puyo before they all fall down/are removed. This will be essential to completing such missions.
The puzzle creator allows you to make your own Nazo Puyo puzzles. Making puzzles requires navigating several screens through a menu. The first screen lets you lay out the initial board; 1 places a puyo, holding 2 and moving the D-pad selects a puyo to place from the right. The second screen chooses a puzzle: Up and Down change the puzzle, Left and Right increase the number/changes the color, and 1/2 make a selection. The third screen chooses which colors of puyo will show up; 1/2 toggle. The fourth screen chooses the pairs of puyo that fall — controls are the same as those of the first screen, and after the eight one, the game will give two random colors. The fifth screen is the actual puzzle; the sixth returns to the main menu.
Erscheint am 23/08/1993
Nazo Puyo (なぞぷよ) ist ein Spiel für den Sega Game Gear von Compile aus dem Jahr 1993, das von Puyo Puyo abstammt. Es wurde in Japan ausschließlich in Paketen mit speziell gekennzeichneten Game Gears veröffentlicht (daher auch sein Preisschild) und erhielt zwei Fortsetzungen für den Game Gear (letzteres erhielt zwei Fortsetzungen für das Super Nintendo Entertainment System) und viele PC-98-Spiele (eines im Einzelhandel, die anderen als Teil der DiscStation-Serie) und wurde als Puzzle-Modus der 8-Bit-Version von Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine umgestaltet.