Panzer Dragoon Saga
Role-playing (RPG)
Sega Saturn
Panzer Dragoon Saga is set roughly thirty years after the events of the first Panzer Dragoon game, and its story opens at one of the Empire’s excavation sites: the archaeological digs where the Imperials unearth the ruins and the technologies of the Ancient Age. The protagonist is a young mercenary named Edge, who was employed as a guard at this dig site, but when the site came under attack by a renegade Imperial commander named Craymen and his loyal followers, Edge was the only member of his team who survived.
Craymen’s goal was to capture a mysterious girl found within the ruins, who had been kept in a state of suspended animation for thousands of years by Ancient technologies. Presumed dead and left behind at the dig site, Edge wanted nothing more than to avenge his fallen comrades, and his prayers were answered when he was rescued by the dragon of legend; climbing atop the dragon’s back, Edge set out in search of Craymen, and the truth.
Craymen’s goal was to capture a mysterious girl found within the ruins, who had been kept in a state of suspended animation for thousands of years by Ancient technologies. Presumed dead and left behind at the dig site, Edge wanted nothing more than to avenge his fallen comrades, and his prayers were answered when he was rescued by the dragon of legend; climbing atop the dragon’s back, Edge set out in search of Craymen, and the truth.
Erscheint am 29/01/1998
Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt von Panzer Dragoon Saga und erleben Sie ein Spiel wie kein anderes: eine Verschmelzung von klassischer Panzer-Action mit dem technologisch fortschrittlichsten Rollenspiel, das je für Saturn erschienen ist. Steigen Sie an Bord Ihres sich wandelnden Drachens und sehen Sie zu, wie sich die Geheimnisse der Panzerwelt auf vier riesigen CDs entfalten. Die neue "schienenfreie" 3D-Engine lässt dich tiefer in das Rollenspiel-Abenteuer eintauchen, als du es dir je vorstellen konntest. Dein Schicksal erwartet dich.