Everybody's Golf : the closing of the servers is scheduled

Everybody's Golf


Everybody's Golf

A brand new entry in the Everybody's Golf/Hot Shots Golf series, featuring sandbox courses and minigames like fishing and sky diving.

It is the twelfth game in the series and also the fifth game in the series to be titled Everybody's Golf in Europe.

More on Everybody's Golf:

Everybody's Golf : the closing of the servers is scheduled

Sony continues to clean up its multiplayer titles that don't seem to be successful. The next victim will be Everybody's Golf.

Bad news for golf lovers. While the latter will already have to wait another year for EA Sports PGA Tour , Sony is announcing the closure of servers on Everybody's Golf. The PS4 game released in 2017 will therefore lose all its online features from September 30, 2022. So there are only six months left to enjoy multiplayer modes.

Six months of respite

According to the message that appears on the official PlayStation website , while online features will be unavailable on this date, the single-player game should still be playable. It's a shame since several modes of Everybody's Golf require a connection. we think of Open courses, international tournaments, but also rankings or Warp Medals. In short, it's a whole part of the game that will now be inaccessible.

If you're ever a trophy hunter, know that shutting down Everybody's Golf servers means two of them will be unobtainable. Clearly, past September 30, it will be impossible to have Platinum. The first obstacle will be the Online Debut trophy (First steps online in VF - the first time we play on an Open course online). The second will be Walking Encyclopedia which is obtained by fishing each species of fish at least once.

Everybody's Golf: the blow of the breakdown?

While the Everybody's Golf license was present on PS2 and PS3, it did not have the same success with its PS4 version. We haven't really heard of the series since the release of the VR episode in 2019 (which disappointed for lack of content). The PS5 does not seem to be part of Sony's plans, and the Clap Hanz studio is now developing mobile games (Clap Hanz Golf for amateurs).

Is Everybody's Golf a good video game?

Yes Everybody's Golf is a great video game, we are proud to have given it a rating of 74%. Any good gamer must have played Everybody's Golf at least once in his life, we can even fully consider it as one of the best games of the genre! In short, it is a must and you must try it if you have the opportunity!

Can I play Everybody's Golf with my friends?

Yes, you can play Everybody's Golf multiplayer with your friends! So think about it the next time you have a party at home, it can be a great opportunity to have a great time with your friends and family, while determining who is the best at Everybody's Golf!

Is Everybody's Golf available on multiple platforms?

No, the game Everybody's Golf is currently only available on PlayStation 4. We hope that SIE Japan Studio and Clap Hanz development studios will release the game on other consoles soon, even if nothing is planned for the moment!

Is Everybody's Golf a recent game?

No, Everybody's Golf is not a recent game, it was launched in most regions on Aug 29th 2017, 7 years 7 months 2 days ago.
Everybody's Golf has been released on PlayStation 4.

Is there an official website for Everybody's Golf?

No Everybody's Golf doesn't have an official website yet, but there are probably fan sites on Google, we invite you to search by yourself. Otherwise you can also find our dedicated portal by clicking here.

Is there a forum on the internet to discuss the game Everybody's Golf?

No, according to our information, Everybody's Golf does not yet have a forum or subreddit clearly identified to the community. However, it is possible that you can find one by searching on your favorite search engine, which we invite you to do! You can also look at social networks, indeed many groups exist for example on Facebook to allow communities to exchange between enthusiasts.

Is Everybody's Golf compatible with VR?

No, Everybody's Golf is not currently compatible with virtual reality, but we hope that one day it will be possible to play it with this new technology!

Does the game Everybody's Golf have other names around the world?

Yes, the game is also known by these names around the world:
Everybody's Golf
Everybody's Golf 7 (Alternative title)
Mingol 7 (Alternative title)
New みんなのGOLF (Japanese title)
New みんなのGOLF (Japanese title - original)
Minna No Golf 7 (Japanese title - romanization)
New 모두의 GOLF (Korean title)
Everybody's Golf 7 (Other)
Hot Shots Golf 7 (Other)
Mingol 7 (Other)
Minna No Golf 7 (Other)
New Hot Shots Golf (Other)
New Mingol Project (Other)
New Minna no Golf (Other)
Everybody's Golf 7 (Other Alias)
Hot Shots Golf 7 (Other Alias)
Mingol 7 (Other Alias)
Minna No Golf 7 (Other Alias)

What are similar games to Everybody's Golf?

Everybody's Golf is a game similar to Grid, eFootball PES 2020, NBA 2K20, Golf Story, Dude Simulator 2, MXGP 2019: The Official Motocross Videogame, Pro Fishing Challenge, NBA 2K19, Club Soccer Director 2019 and Spike Volleyball, if you liked Everybody's Golf, you will surely love this list of games we just mentioned! You can find our dedicated portals by clicking on the name of the games, and make your own opinion very quickly!