GTA 5: new cheat codes for PS5, the complete list of cheat codes

GTA 5: new cheat codes for PS5, the complete list of cheat codes

GTA cheat codes are almost as iconic as the characters in Rockstar's licence, and the next-gen version of GTA 5 is no exception. On this page you can find all the cheat codes for the PS5 version of Grand Theft Auto V, and you'll soon be armed to the teeth behind the wheel of the car of your choice.

Like its predecessors, Grand Theft Auto V has a multitude of codes aimed at obtaining specific weapons, vehicles, and ammunition, but also at recharging health, modifying the wanted index, and making the protagonist invincible for a few minutes. Thanks to them, you will be able to spice up your gameplay a bit and enjoy a different gaming experience. To activate them, you will need to enter a specific series of keys on your controller or enter a code in the mobile phone of the character you are playing. Below, you can find the complete list of codes valid for the PlayStation 5 version of GTA 5and thus make your life in Los Santos more peaceful – or vice versa.

Note that these codes block obtaining the trophies of the game, so we advise you to save your game before using a code to avoid missing anything.


The codes that follow will not only allow you to obtain all the weapons of the game in a jiffy , but also to modify the aim as well as the ammunition that you use, and even to transform your fists into formidable weapons capable of sowing the terror on your way!

Get weapons

  • On the controller: TRIANGLE- R2 - Left - L1 - CROSS- Right - TRIANGLE- Down - EDGE- L1 - L1 -L1
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-866-587 (TOOLUP)

Aim in slow motion

  • On the controller: EDGE- L2 - R1 - TRIANGLE- Left - EDGE- L2 - Right -CROSS
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-332-3393 (DEADEYE)

Fire balls

  • On the controller: L1 - R1 - EDGE- R1 - Left - R1 - R2 - Left - EDGE- Right - L1 - L1
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-462-363-4279 (INCENDIARY)

Explosive Bullets

  • On the controller: Right - EDGECROSS- Left - R1 - R2 - Left - Right - Right - L1 - L1 -L1
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-444-439 (HIGHEX)

explosive punches

  • On the controller: Right - Left - CROSSTRIANGLE- R1 - CIRCLECIRCLECIRCLE- L2
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-4684-2637 (HOTHANDS)


If you can't find your account in the vehicles available in-game, these codes are for you! By grabbing them, you can get very fast cars and motorcycles , but also unusual vehicles like a garbage truck, a golf cart, and even planes and a helicopter !

Skid your vehicle

  • On the controller: TRIANGLE- R1 - R1 - Left - R1 - L1 - R2 - L1
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-766-9329 (SNOWDAY)

aerobatic plane

  • On the controller: CIRCLE- Right - L1 - L2 - Left - R1 - L1 - L1 - Left - Left - CROSS-TRIANGLE
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-2276-78676 (BARNSTORM)

Duster (agricultural aircraft)

  • On the controller: Right - Left - R1 - R1 - R1 - Left - TRIANGLETRIANGLECROSSCIRCLE- L1 - L1
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-359-77729 (FLYSPRAY)

Buzzard (helicopter)

  • On the character's phone: 1-999-289-9633 (BUZZOFF)

Garbage truck

  • On the controller: CIRCLE- R1 - CIRCLE- R1 - Left - Left - R1 - L1 - CIRCLE- Right
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-872-7433 (TRASHED)

Golf caddy

  • On the controller: CIRCLE- L1 - Left - R1 - L2 - CROSS- R1 - L1 - CIRCLE-CROSS
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-465-3461 (HOLEIN1)


  • On the controller: R2 - Right - L2 - Left - Left - R1 - L1 - CIRCLE- Right
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-846-39663 (VINEWOOD)

Comet (sports car)

  • On the controller: R1 - CIRCLE- R2 - Right - L1 - L2 - CROSSCROSSEDGE- R1
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-266-38 (COMET)

Rapid GT (racing car)

  • On the controller: R2 - L1 - CIRCLE- Right - L1 - R1 - Right - Left - CIRCLE- R2
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-727-4348 (RAPIDGT)

Sanchez (motocross)

  • On the controller: CIRCLECROSS- L1 - CIRCLECIRCLE- L1 - CIRCLE- R1 - R2 - L2 - L1 - L1
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-633-7623 (OFFROAD)

PCJ 600 (racing motorcycle)

  • On the controller: R1 - Right - Left - Right - R2 - Left - Right - EDGE- Right - L2 - L1 - L1
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-762-538 (ROCKET)


  • On the controller: Left - Left - Right - Right - Left - Right - EDGECIRCLETRIANGLE- R1 - R2
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-226-348 (BANDIT)


If your character 's resistance and skills seem low to you, you may find these codes useful. You can even take advantage of it to increase its movement speed on land and in water, and if your goal is to have a character who staggers and does not walk straight, there is a code for that too!

5 minute invincibility (outside vehicle)

  • On the controller: Right - CROSS- Right - Left - Right - R1 - Right - Left - CROSS-TRIANGLE
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-724-654-5537 (PAINKILLER)

Recharge Health and Armor

  • On the joystick: CIRCLE- L1 - TRIANGLE- R2 - CROSSEDGECIRCLE- Right - EDGE- L1 - L1 -L1
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-887-853 (TURTLE)

Recharge a unique skill

  • On the controller: CROSSCROSSEDGE- R1 - L1 - CROSS- Right - Left -CROSS
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-769-3787 (POWERUP)

Super jump

  • On the controller: Left - Left - TRIANGLETRIANGLE- Right - Right - Left - Right - EDGE- R1 - R2
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-467-8648 (HOPTOIT)

Run faster

  • On the controller: TRIANGLE- Left - Right - Right - L2 - L1 -EDGE
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-228-2463 (CATCHME)

swim faster

  • On the controller: Left - Left - L1 - Right - Right - R2 - Left - L2 - Right
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-468-44557 (GOTGILLS)

Drunk fashion

  • On the joystick: TRIANGLE- Right - Right - Left - Right - EDGECIRCLE- Left
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-547-867 (LIQUOR)


The codes below will allow you to alter the gameplay in general and even the environment . With them, you can modulate your character's wanted index , slow down the game, change gravity and weather, and even jump from the skies with or without a parachute !

Reduce the search index

  • On the controller: R1 - R1 - CIRCLE- R2 - Right - Left - Right - Left - Right - Left
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-5299-3787 (LAWYERUP)

Increase Search Index

  • On the controller: R1 - R1 - CIRCLE- R2 - Left - Right - Left - Right - Left - Right
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-3844-8483 (FUGITIVE)

slow down the game

  • On the controller: TRIANGLE- Left - Right - Right - EDGE- R2 - R1
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-756-966 (SLOWMO)

Free fall from the sky

  • On the controller: L1 - L2 - R1 - R2 - Left - Right - Left - Right - L1 - L2 - R1 - R2 - Left - Right - Left - Right
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-759-3255 (SKYFALL)

Get a parachute

  • On the controller: Left - Right - L1 - L2 - R1 - R2 - R2 - Left - Left - Right - L1
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-759-3483 (SKYDIVE)

lunar gravity

  • On the controller: Left - Left - L1 - R1 - L1 - Right - Left - L1 - Left
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-356-2837 (FLOATER)

Change the weather

  • On the controller: R2 - CROSS- L1 - L1 - L2 - L2 - L2 -EDGE
  • On the character's phone: 1-999-625-348-7246 (MAKEITRAIN)