Can you catch a Ledyba Shiny in Pokemon GO? The Spotlight Hour gave us the answer!

Pokémon Go


Pokémon Go

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Can you catch a Ledyba Shiny in Pokemon GO? The Spotlight Hour gave us the answer!

Since the announcement of the Ledyba Spotlight Hour on Pokémon Go, everyone wants to know if Ledyba can be Shiny, if it has interesting bonuses, and how we can catch it. Let's find out in this guide!

Pokemon Go's Spotlight Hour, which Niantic first included in 2020, has grown to become one of the game's most well-liked regular events. This time, trainers will have the opportunity to catch the Johto region's Bug/Flying-type Ledyba during the first celebration of July.

The Spotlight Hour presents the ideal opportunity to stock up on Candy and evolve Ledyba into Ledian, even though it might not be the greatest addition to your squad. Going Shiny hunting is also a wonderful idea right now!

Every month's first Tuesday is given over to presenting a 60-minute celebration for a particular Pokemon, as it has been since 2020. Trainers that explore the map within the designated time will come across the chosen'mon more frequently.

On July 5, 2022, during the Spotlight Hour, players will receive Double Catch XP as one of the event perks.

Catching as many critters as you can during the Spotlight Hour event is a good idea because you'll level up quickly thanks to the 2x Catch XP bonus, which is applicable to all Pokemon, not just Ledyba.

During Spotlight Hours, we always advise using an XP-boosting Lucky Egg. Since Pokemon Go's level cap was raised from level 40 to level 50 in December 2020, you won't want to pass up this opportunity to earn some quick points.

In Pokemon Go, does Ledyba have an evolution?

With the aid of 25 Candy, Ledyba can develop into Ledian. For this evolution process, no specialized goods or Buddy chores are required.

Even during the Spotlight Hour event, it shouldn't take you long to gather enough Candy, but if you need some assistance, utilize Pinap Berries to collect more candy.

Pokemon Go has Shiny Ledyba, right?

Don't worry, YES, Shiny Ledyba is catchable in Pokemon Go, proving that Ledian can evolve into a Shiny version as well.

Even though shiny Pokemon are extremely rare, a spotlight hour, when hundreds of Pokemon are available for you to encounter, is undoubtedly the best opportunity to catch one.

Is Pokémon Go a good video game?

Yes Pokémon Go is a good video game, we had a lot of fun playing it! That's why we decided to give it a 64% rating. If you want to try it, and if you have already enjoyed similar games, we are sure you will have a great time on this game! Of course, Pokémon Go has its flaws, and we even noticed some mini bugs while playing it for several hours, but all this is also part of the charm and it doesn't take anything away from the pleasure of playing.

Can I play Pokémon Go with my friends?

Yes, you can play Pokémon Go multiplayer with your friends! So think about it the next time you have a party at home, it can be a great opportunity to have a great time with your friends and family, while determining who is the best at Pokémon Go!

Is Pokémon Go available on multiple platforms?

Yes, the game Pokémon Go is developed to be compatible with Android and iOS. It's quite handy to be able to play it on several different consoles, thanks to The Pokémon Company and Niantic Labs development studios!

Is Pokémon Go a recent game?

No, Pokémon Go is not a recent game, it was launched in most regions on Jul 06th 2016, 8 years 8 months 23 days ago.
Pokémon Go has been released on Android and iOS.

Is there an official website for Pokémon Go?

Yes Pokémon Go has its own official website! You can find it by clicking here.

Is there a forum on the internet to discuss the game Pokémon Go?

Yes there is a website where Pokémon Go fans can meet to discuss and exchange content, tips and advice on the game. It's on the Reddit website and you can find this Subreddit by clicking here.

Is Pokémon Go compatible with VR?

No, Pokémon Go is not currently compatible with virtual reality, but we hope that one day it will be possible to play it with this new technology!

Does the game Pokémon Go have other names around the world?

Yes, the game is also known by these names around the world:
PoGo (Acronym)
Pokemon Go (Alternative spelling)
Pokémon GO (Stylized title)

What are similar games to Pokémon Go?

Pokémon Go is a game similar to Borderlands 3, Death Stranding, Children of Morta, Pokémon Moon, Force of Nature, The Elder Scrolls VI, The Elder Scrolls: Blades, Life is Feudal: Your Own, Legrand Legacy and Savage Lands, if you liked Pokémon Go, you will surely love this list of games we just mentioned! You can find our dedicated portals by clicking on the name of the games, and make your own opinion very quickly!