Pokémon Party Mini

Genre: Arcade
Platform: Pokémon mini
Pokémon Party Mini is a collection of several minigames, including: Hitmonchan’s Boxing, where you shake the system to ‘punch’; Pikachu’s Rocket Start, a game where you have to launch off a starting line before another Pokémon; Bellossom’s Dance, a DDR-like game; Chansey’s Dribble, kick the ball to the finish line as quickly as possible; Slowking’s Judge, predict if the tennis ball will land in or out of the court; Sneasel’s Fakeout, a rock-paper-scissors-like game for two players; Battlefield, where two to six players battle for the highest score; and Celebi’s Clock, which is essentially a clock with date, alarm and stopwatch function.

Released on Nov 16th 2001


Pokemon party Mini is handheld game developed for the Pokémon Mini system.
This game came bundled with the system.

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