We finally know the date of the reveal of the next World of Warcraft expansion!

World of Warcraft


World of Warcraft

Intent on settling the arid region of Durotar, Thrall's new Horde expanded its ranks, inviting the undead Forsaken to join orcs, tauren, and trolls. Meanwhile, dwarves, gnomes and the ancient night elves pledged their loyalties to a reinvigorated Alliance, guided by the human kingdom of Stormwind. After Stormwind's king, Varian Wrynn, mysteriously disappeared, Highlord Bolvar Fordragon served as Regent but his service was marred by the manipulations and mind control of the black dragon Onyxia, who ruled in disguise as a human noblewoman. As heroes investigated Onyxia's manipulations, ancient foes surfaced in lands throughout the world to menace Horde and Alliance alike.

More on World of Warcraft:

We finally know the date of the reveal of the next World of Warcraft expansion!

Blizzard is giving not one, not two, but three dates to Warcraft fans in the coming weeks. The next WoW expansion will be on the agenda, as well as Hearthstone and a mysterious mobile game.

The future of Warcraft is emerging

Without Blizzcon this year , Blizzard had to find another way to communicate about the future of its licensing. On the World of Warcraft side , it's a post that was chosen to speak of course about the future of the MMORPG, but not only.

First of all, on March 15, it will first be a question of the first of the three expansions of 2022 for Hearthstone . The announcement will also be the opportunity to cover the changes coming to the core of the card game this year.

Then, on April 19, the next WoW expansion will be unveiled. For the record, Shadowlands ' final major update arrived not long ago. WoW Classic , on the other hand, does not seem concerned, even if the possibility of the arrival of the Wrath of the Lich King extension cannot be ruled out.

Finally, in May without further details, the first Warcraft game designed specifically for mobile will be unveiled. Any predictions on this one?

Is World of Warcraft a good video game?

Yes World of Warcraft is a great video game, we are proud to have given it a rating of 85%. Any good gamer must have played World of Warcraft at least once in his life, we can even fully consider it as one of the best games of the genre! In short, it is a must and you must try it if you have the opportunity!

Can I play World of Warcraft with my friends?

Yes, you can play World of Warcraft multiplayer with your friends! So think about it the next time you have a party at home, it can be a great opportunity to have a great time with your friends and family, while determining who is the best at World of Warcraft!

Is World of Warcraft available on multiple platforms?

Yes, the game World of Warcraft is developed to be compatible with PC (Microsoft Windows) and Mac. It's quite handy to be able to play it on several different consoles, thanks to the Blizzard Entertainment development studio!

Is World of Warcraft a recent game?

No, World of Warcraft is not a recent game, it was launched in most regions on Nov 23rd 2004, 20 years 4 months 8 days ago.
World of Warcraft has been released on PC (Microsoft Windows) and Mac.

Is there an official website for World of Warcraft?

Yes World of Warcraft has its own official website! You can find it by clicking here.

Is there a forum on the internet to discuss the game World of Warcraft?

Yes there is a website where World of Warcraft fans can meet to discuss and exchange content, tips and advice on the game. It's on the Reddit website and you can find this Subreddit by clicking here.

Is World of Warcraft compatible with VR?

No, World of Warcraft is not currently compatible with virtual reality, but we hope that one day it will be possible to play it with this new technology!

Does the game World of Warcraft have other names around the world?

Yes, the game is also known by these names around the world:
Vanilla (Acronym)
WoW (Acronym)
魔兽世界 (Chinese title)
ワールド オブ ウォークラフト (Japanese title - original)
와우 (Korean Alias)
월드 오브 워크래프트 (Korean title)
Battle for Azeroth (Other Alias)
Leeroy Jenkins (Other Alias)
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (Other Alias)
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria (Other Alias)
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (Other Alias)
World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor (Other Alias)
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (Other Alias)

What are similar games to World of Warcraft?

World of Warcraft is a game similar to Elsword, The Elder Scrolls Online, Aarklash: Legacy, Battle Brothers, Final Fantasy XIV Online, Tera, Pillars of Eternity, Perfect World, Darkstone and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, if you liked World of Warcraft, you will surely love this list of games we just mentioned! You can find our dedicated portals by clicking on the name of the games, and make your own opinion very quickly!