Antlion Soccer

Géneros: Sport, Shooter
Plataforma: PC (Microsoft Windows)
Antlion Soccer is in many ways a traditional deathmatch multiplayer game. It pushes the inherent sport narratives of Capture the Flag or Counter-Strike one stage further, making the killing of the oponent secondary to the business of scoring points.

It is incredibly simple as a game concept. It's soccer, with large green alien bugs that will take your head off if you get too close to them.

Players operate in teams of four - Combine vs. Citizens in a homage to Half LIfe 2 (and the economics of using existing agents) in an arena with a goal at either end. Players are armed with a gravity gun - the physics manipulating device that was core to Half LIfe 2's gameplay, which they can use to push the Antlion's around.

Lançado a 29/09/2008


A multiplayer mod for up to 8 players. Antlion Soccer is a pretty simple idea - two teams (Combine vs Citizens), one pitch, two goals, gravity guns all round and a huge pile of Antlions. Score goals by punting Antlions into the opposing team's goals. Being released with vmfs and source files as it's so much fun (and simple) to generate new maps.

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