
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Género: Adventure
Plataforma: PlayStation Portable
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is based on the 2009 anime series of the same name, critically lauded as the most faithful so far to the spirit of the original manga. The story of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood follows the adventures of the Elric brothers, two young alchemists cursed after a tragic accident. Driven by their strong relationship and remarkable skills they begin a new, battle-packed adventure on the trail of the philosopher's stone. Only the stone has the power to restore their bodies.

Lançado a 11/06/2010


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood's 'Adventure Mode' lets players live the adventure of the Elric brothers as they strive to foil a foul plot and take on other powerful alchemists in battles to the death. The game features a host of additional customizable playable characters with points earned in battle used to upgrade their special powers and abilities. The fights go down in a series of different battle arenas where players can flex their spectacular alchemist abilities, use the terrain’s topography strategically to gain the upper hand, and judiciously launch special Combination Attacks with their battle partner to turn the tide of battle.

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