
Curse of the Azure Bonds

Жанры: Turn-based strategy (TBS), Adventure, Role-playing (RPG)
Платформы: PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, DOS, Amiga, Atari ST/STE, Apple II, Commodore C64/128/MAX
After you saved the entire city of Phlan and located the Pool of Radiance, a simple trip to Tilverton should have been as easy as a noon-day stroll. But it wasn’t… Ambushed, captured and knocked unconscious, you awake with no idea who attacked you or how you arrived in Tilverton. You only know that five azure-blue symbols are imprinted under the skin of your right arm. The mystical power of the azure symbols ensnares your will like metal bonds! And when the bonds glow, you must do as they command, No magic can dispel them, no prayers can remove them. Your only hope: search the world for members of the alliance who created the bonds and regain control of your own destiny. Only then can you be free of the Curse of the Azure Bonds.

Выпущено на 31.12.1989

Краткое содержание:

Welcome to the official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons computer product, Curse of the Azure Bonds, A Forgotten Realms fantasy role-playing epic. This adventure game is based on the rules and background created by TSR, Inc. and a storyline created especially for this game. THE CURSE OF THE AZURE BONDS adventure begins in the frontier city of Tilverton on the border between the great kingdom of Cormyr and the scattered settlements of the Dalelands. The characters begin as experienced adventurers who have been ambushed, captured, and cursed with five magical bonds.

Each bond is an azure-blue symbol imprinted just under the skin of each character's swordarm. These bonds have dangerous magical powers that can take control of the characters' actions. The characters' quest in Curse of the Azure Bonds is to search the Realms for the source of the bonds and rid themselves of the bonds' terrible curse.


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