D. Jump
PC (Microsoft Windows), Nintendo 64, PlayStation
Announced at E3 1998 in Atlanta, D. Jump was to be a 3D, third-person, action/adventure game for the PC. Similar to many of its late 90's contemporaries, the press materials promised "irreverent humor" and extreme-with-a-capital-X action with lots of fast moving stages and water skiing. Despite the overplayed set up D. Jump may have been crushed by the weight of its own lofty goals and feature set. Or Ubisoft may have simply needed the money and resources to put behind Rayman 2 which was in the works at the same time as D. Jump. An official explanation has never been given.
Краткое содержание:
A "wise talking, skirt chasing, skateboarding" hero is transported back in time to an Egypt-esque land and turned into wood. This game was never released.