Hearthstone: Whispers of Old Gods
PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, Android, iOS
For countless millennia, the Old Gods have slept. Now, the time of their awakening draws near; their evil influence has crawled even into the tavern! Can you feel your cards trembling in their decks as the corruption spreads? Some of your old friends have already grown icky masses of tentacles and a downright frightening number of eyeballs!
Of course, while some would recoil at these cards, a resourceful player like you might just be able to harness the power of the Old Gods. Yeees, surely nothing could go wrong...
Can you hear them, beckoning to be played? Will you heed their whispers at your ear?
Of course, while some would recoil at these cards, a resourceful player like you might just be able to harness the power of the Old Gods. Yeees, surely nothing could go wrong...
Can you hear them, beckoning to be played? Will you heed their whispers at your ear?
Выпущено на 26.04.2016
Краткое содержание:
This sinister expansion revolves around the dark influence of the Old Gods, ancient and unspeakably evil creatures that have long lain hidden, imprisoned in the dark places of the world millennia ago. Despite their imprisonment, these shadowy beings' influence can be felt in every corner of Azeroth, twisting and corrupting any who hear their maddening whispers. With an army of followers performing forbidden empowerment rituals, the tentacles of these massive horrors are growing rapidly toward the light, eager to bring their own kind of excitement to the sunlit kingdoms and merry taverns of Azeroth.The expansion features legendary minion cards for each of the four Old Gods - C'Thun, Yogg-Saron, N'Zoth and Y'Shaarj - along with a crowd of frenzied cultists working overtime to empower these mighty horrors in preparation for their return. The expansion also sees some familiar faces corrupted into frightening new forms, as well as new scaling effects in the form of Forbidden spells.