Monster's Fair
The game starts with the Shobijin being taken away by an UFO, and saying "HELP, MOTHRA!" The game starts with Mothra Larva hatching from an egg. She can shoot webs to stun any monster (except Godzilla and Hedorah). Mothra can walk north, south, west and east, but the screen locks after going up so Mothra cannot go to places that went offscreen. Mothra can only survive 5 hits of minimal damage, and there are only three lives. However, there are hidden power-ups that restore health that need to be shot with web to be revealed and become obtainable. It is possible to get extra lives by scoring 30,000 points.
Выпущено на 31.12.1986
Краткое содержание:
Monster's Fair pits Mothra against some of Toho's other monsters, including Godzilla.