
Alone in the Dark - Guides

Genres: Adventure, Puzzle
Plattformen: PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
Set in the gothic American south in 1930, Alone in the Dark follows Emily Hartwood with the help of private investigator Edward Carnby arriving at Derceto Manor, a home for the mentally fatigued, after discovering that her uncle Jeremy has gone missing.

Erscheint am 20/03/2024


Alone in the Dark presents itself as a reboot of the classic 1992 survival horror game featuring a noir-setting with horror elements and a moody atmosphere of darkness and shadows carried by terrifying visuals. The game revolves around investigating the environments for clues and solving puzzles to advance in the story, which the player can choose how much the game will help on finding these clues and where to go next. This reboot bears an interestingly similar fashion to the first games' mechanics but massively modernized and improved upon.

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