
Puzzle Agent - Guides

Genres: Adventure, Puzzle, Point-and-click
Plattformen: PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 3, iOS, Wii
When White House inquiries to the Scoggins Eraser Co. are answered only with curious puzzles, Nelson Tethers from the U.S. Department of Puzzle Research is sent on the case.
The strange events in Scoggins will challenge every ounce of Tethers’ expertise, and possibly his very wits too, with brainteasers at every turn: mazes, logic puzzles, riddles, and more. He soon realizes that these - along with the clinically pre-occupied townspeople, secret societies, and peculiar sounds from the forest - are intimately connected to the core mystery. And what's with the gnomes?

Erscheint am 30/06/2010


Puzzle Agent wurde mit dem einzigartigen erzählerischen und visuellen Gespür des Indie-Comic-Künstlers Graham Annable und dem unverwechselbaren Erzählstil von Telltale entwickelt und wird dich auf mehr Arten herausfordern, begeistern und fesseln, als du ein Kryptogramm schütteln kannst!

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