Vigilante 8 - Guides
Fighting, Shooter
Nintendo 64, PlayStation
The game's storyline is built around an alternate history, in which there was a worldwide oil crisis in the 1970s and the U.S. was on the verge of an economic breakdown. Strikes, riots and crime were rampant, and all available law enforcement were brought to the cities leaving the outlands vulnerable. A foreign multinational oil consortium, Oil Monopoly Alliance Regime (OMAR), was determined to monopolize the world oil trade. The U.S. was the last country that stood in their way and they were prepared to go to any length to bring the U.S. to its knees.
OMAR hired Sid Burn, a professional terrorist, to push the U.S. economy over the edge. Sid began to organize his troops in the remote areas of the southwest. Calling themselves the "Coyotes," they began to target oil refineries, commercial installations and other vital industry throughout the region. With the law enforcement in the cities, some desperate civilians began to take the law into their own hands. Led by a trucker named Convoy and referred to simply as the "Vigilantes," this oddball group soon became a major hindrance to Sid.
Meanwhile, the U.S. government, feeling more vulnerable than ever, was intensifying its research and development of a new military arsenal. The most advanced weaponry, rumored to be based on UFO technology, was located at Site-4, a secret facility at Papoose Lake. This information was not lost on Sid, and the Coyotes ambushed the facility. However the Vigilantes unexpectedly appeared to stop them and as a result, both parties found themselves in possession of the world's most advanced weaponry.
What followed were no ordinary skirmishes. Auto clashes ensued all over the land, from Colorado's Rockies to California's farmlands, only to culminate in a battle like no other. To this day the events which took place are only a matter of speculation.
OMAR hired Sid Burn, a professional terrorist, to push the U.S. economy over the edge. Sid began to organize his troops in the remote areas of the southwest. Calling themselves the "Coyotes," they began to target oil refineries, commercial installations and other vital industry throughout the region. With the law enforcement in the cities, some desperate civilians began to take the law into their own hands. Led by a trucker named Convoy and referred to simply as the "Vigilantes," this oddball group soon became a major hindrance to Sid.
Meanwhile, the U.S. government, feeling more vulnerable than ever, was intensifying its research and development of a new military arsenal. The most advanced weaponry, rumored to be based on UFO technology, was located at Site-4, a secret facility at Papoose Lake. This information was not lost on Sid, and the Coyotes ambushed the facility. However the Vigilantes unexpectedly appeared to stop them and as a result, both parties found themselves in possession of the world's most advanced weaponry.
What followed were no ordinary skirmishes. Auto clashes ensued all over the land, from Colorado's Rockies to California's farmlands, only to culminate in a battle like no other. To this day the events which took place are only a matter of speculation.
Erscheint am 01/06/1998
Die Handlung des Spiels ist in einer alternativen Geschichte angesiedelt, in der es in den 1970er Jahren eine weltweite Ölkrise gab und die USA kurz vor dem wirtschaftlichen Zusammenbruch standen. Streiks, Unruhen und Kriminalität waren an der Tagesordnung, und alle verfügbaren Ordnungskräfte wurden in die Städte gebracht, während die Außenbezirke ungeschützt blieben. Ein ausländisches multinationales Ölkonsortium, das Oil Monopoly Alliance Regime (OMAR), war entschlossen, den weltweiten Ölhandel zu monopolisieren. Die USA waren das letzte Land, das sich ihnen in den Weg stellte, und sie waren bereit, alles zu tun, um die USA in die Knie zu zwingen.OMAR heuerte Sid Burn, einen professionellen Terroristen, an, um die US-Wirtschaft in die Knie zu zwingen. Sid begann, seine Truppen in den abgelegenen Gebieten des Südwestens zu organisieren. Sie nannten sich "Coyotes" und begannen, Ölraffinerien, kommerzielle Einrichtungen und andere lebenswichtige Industrieanlagen in der gesamten Region anzugreifen. Da die Strafverfolgungsbehörden in den Städten waren, begannen einige verzweifelte Zivilisten, das Gesetz selbst in die Hand zu nehmen. Angeführt von einem Trucker namens Convoy, der sich einfach "Vigilantes" nannte, wurde diese seltsame Gruppe bald zu einem großen Hindernis für Sid.
Währenddessen intensivierte die US-Regierung, die sich verletzlicher denn je fühlte, ihre Forschung und Entwicklung eines neuen militärischen Arsenals. Die fortschrittlichsten Waffen, die Gerüchten zufolge auf UFO-Technologie basierten, befanden sich in Site-4, einer geheimen Einrichtung am Papoose Lake. Diese Information entging Sid nicht, und die Coyotes überfielen die Anlage. Unerwartet tauchten jedoch die Vigilantes auf, um sie aufzuhalten, und so fanden sich beide Parteien im Besitz der modernsten Waffen der Welt wieder.
Was folgte, waren keine gewöhnlichen Scharmützel. Überall im Land, von den Rocky Mountains in Colorado bis zu den Ackerflächen Kaliforniens, kam es zu Zusammenstößen, die in einer Schlacht gipfelten, die ihresgleichen suchte. Bis heute sind die Ereignisse, die sich abspielten, nur Spekulationen.