Afghan Hero Girl - Video

Genre: Adventure
Platforms: Android, iOS
The game is the story of a princess and a wizard who are always in a state of war and hostility. For now, the princesses family has been kidnapped by the wizard. She must complete different levels of the game which are in various environments and fight various enemies in order to finally reach the territory of the wizard. She must fight and defeat the wizard and then rescue her family.

In the first level, the princess is in the castle where she must fight all various enemies and free it from the enemies. The castle crew have been under the spell of the wizard. The princess must find the magic bottles in order to be able to free the castle crew from the spell. The princess must do it all in order to complete the first level.

Released on Apr 19th 2019


The story of a princess and a wizard who are always in a state of war and hostility. She must fight and defeat the wizard to rescue her family.


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