Intruder: Sakura Yashiki no Tansaku - Guides

Genre: Adventure
Platforms: PC-8800 Series, MSX
You are a Japanese young man named Minoru Nakagawa. One day you notice a beautiful girl standing under a blossoming sakura tree, the sakura leaves falling around her. Amazed by the beauty of the girl, Minoru decides to follow her. Once she enters her mansion, she drops a medallion. Minoru feels that his destiny is linked with the girl's one, and in the night, he enters the mansion...

Intruder is an erotic anime-style adventure. The interaction is done through verb commands. To the right you see the map of the mansion, but you move also by selecting a destination from a menu. If you are caught, the game is over, so you should plan your movements around the house carefully.

Released on Dec 31st 1998


An adult anime game where the main character tries to sneak into a mansion to return a medallion to a beautiful women.


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