Touhou Danmaku Kagura - Guides

Genres: Indie, Visual Novel, Music
Platforms: Android, iOS
Gensoukyou was utterly destroyed. However, the denizens seemed to be fine. Furthermore, the major incidents that has already solved reoccured. In order to rebuild Gensoukyou, the girls would perform a ritual called "Danmaku Kagura".

Released on Aug 04th 2021


Touhou Danmaku Kagura is a mobile rhythm game. It will be the first dedicated Touhou arrangement rhythm game to be released on smartphones and with gacha mechanics. The rhythm game session will be presenting the character having a danmaku battle against an opponent with a beatmap on the foreground. The player must beat the song played in the battle without missing too many beats.

Everything on Touhou Danmaku Kagura:


