Velocity 2X: Dual Core DLC Pack - Video
Puzzle, Arcade, Shooter
PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita
So those last few levels tickled your gamer hindbrain? Then it's time for Dual Core.
Control two Quarp Jets at once to weave, blast and race through 10 mind-melting levels at the heart of Paroika Prime, the Vokh Citadel.
Master these levels to upgrade your essential motor neurons, enhance your stimulus processing and gain a deeper capacity for intense spatial challenge.
Control two Quarp Jets at once to weave, blast and race through 10 mind-melting levels at the heart of Paroika Prime, the Vokh Citadel.
Master these levels to upgrade your essential motor neurons, enhance your stimulus processing and gain a deeper capacity for intense spatial challenge.
Released on Sep 23rd 2014