Dunjonquest: Upper Reaches of Apshai - Vídeo

Género: Role-playing (RPG)
Plataformas: DOS, Apple II, Commodore C64/128/MAX, Atari 8-bit, TRS-80
Walking at last!

After four long months of pain and limping and crutches and foul medicine, I finally stood up and walked around without aid. I was beginning to think I'd be holed up in this foul-smelling, disease-ridden infirmary forever.

I was one of the original thousands of adventurers who poured into the small town above Apshai a few months ago. When word of the treasure to be had in the gloomy dunjons of Apshai got out, just about every young lad (and lassie) with any spirit of adventure at all came running here. By boats they came, mainly, but also by land, afoot, or on horseback.

I came over 200 leagues by boat . . . for what? As I stepped off the boat and walked down the plank—happy to be back on land again, I can tell you—I caught my foot on a nail: a big, sharp, rusty nail. And BOY did it hurt! I ripped it right. . . but I bore you with my injury.

Suffice it to say that I was laid up for months while the fortune and glory fell to others. Now the village is almost abandoned, and the locals talk about life getting back to normal.

I have to pay for my trip home somehow, and there's cleaning, painting, and repairing to be done in homes and yards above Apshai. It's not what I imagined when I left home, but if you want to come along, we may find adventure yet!

Lanzado el 31/12/1981


Expansion module for "Dunjonquest: Temple of Apshai" containing 150 more rooms split into four epsiodes.


Todo sobre Dunjonquest: Upper Reaches of Apshai:


