Madou Monogatari: Tower of the Magician - Vídeo

Géneros: Adventure, Role-playing (RPG)
Plataforma: PC (Microsoft Windows)
After coming across a book in a library that recounted Wish's triumph over the evil mage Dark Matter, Schezo resolves to absorb her cosmic powers and begins his ascent up her tower. Upon arriving he finds Witch, Wish's granddaughter, who is taking her certification exam under her grandmother's supervision. However due to Schezo's presence, her certification comes to a halt. He encounters Incubus, who flirts with Witch and tries to gift Tenori Zoh to her as a romantic gesture. Under the assumption that Schezo is competing for Witch's attention, the two fight and Schezo wins, claiming Tenori Zoh for himself.

Schezo, Witch, and Tenori Zoh continue their trek up the winding tower and find a dark energy overflowing near its peak. At the top, they find the spirit of Dark Matter who had returned from the dead to haunt Wish. Witch lends Schezo some of her magic power, and he duels Dark Matter, and then Wish under the influence of Dark Matter.

Once defeated, Dark Matter's spirit explodes and Wish is left unconscious. Schezo promptly returns the borrowed magic power to Witch and she verifies that her grandmother is alright, only for Schezo to challenge Wish once again in an attempt to take her power. Wish, to his surprise, does not protest and merely hopes that when he takes her power, he will make it even stronger. Schezo, regrettably, decides not to take Wish's power as Dark Matter had already consumed so much of it. He opts to take Tenori Zoh with him and promises to challenge Wish to a fair fight once her power returns.

Lanzado el 06/09/1997


Madou Monogatari: Tower of the Magician is a first-person dungeon-crawler developed by Compile. It was first released on September 6, 1997 for Microsoft Windows 95 through Disc Station Vol. 16. Unlike most Madou Monogatari games which follow Arle, this game follows Schezo Wegey and his quest for power as he ascends Wish's tower.


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