Crimesight - Guida

Generi: Strategy, Simulator
Piattaforma: PC (Microsoft Windows)
London, 2075, a time where serious crimes can be predicted, thanks to an analytical programme developed using data harvested online.
The result: a 90% drop in such criminal activity across the globe.
Until, that is, the system predicts a crime that could irrevocably plunge the world into chaos.
This alarming discovery leaves the system's architects little choice but to act.
They pour their resources into developing an AI whose sole purpose is to investigate and prevent this apocalyptic crime.

Sherlock. Named after the legendary enigmatic detective of fiction, this AI's raison d'être is investigation.
He alone has the ability to unravel the truth from a twisted web of mysteries.
And like the spider that sits motionless in the centre of its web, he awaits the arrival of the only prey equal to his abilities—Moriarty, a criminal mastermind.

Rilasciato il 14/04/2022


In Crimesight investigators will work with an AI called “Sherlock” to prevent a future murder cooked up by another AI known as “Moriarty.” However, there is a traitor in their midst, secretly helping the Moriarty AI. Players will have to decide who they can trust as they try to deduce the truth.

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