Magic Pengel: The Quest for Color - Vídeos
Adventure, Role-playing (RPG)
PlayStation 2
The story begins when you (the main character - this character is never shown or given a default name in order to keep with the "second person" feel of the game, however, it is implied that the unseen character is a young boy) wake up in someone's yard and sees a Pengel. A mysterious voice tells you that you can use the Pengel to draw whatever you like, and that the shape will become your companion on your quest. You draw a simple shape to become your first Doodle, however, the Doodle falls off a cliff and is rescued by a girl. Then it runs away. After lecturing you, the girl introduces herself as Zoe, then introduces her (foster) brother, Taro. She takes you to the arena where a tournament is being held and teaches you how to duel. You win, and Zoe gets ticked off at the kingdom's guards for taking some of the Color you won as tax.
It is revealed that the King who rules the humans is corrupt and tries to force pure-hearted people to draw Doodles to work for him. One of his best Doodlers, Galileo (who is Zoe and Taro's father) disappeared and the king has been trying to seek revenge by taking away Zoe and Taro's homeland. Zoe and Taro don't know where Galileo went, and have been searching for their father by throwing notes in a bottle into the ocean. You must enter tournaments to get the money Zoey and Taro need to pay off the mortgage on their Homeland, help them search for their father, and eventually defeat the Doodle King himself.
It is revealed that the King who rules the humans is corrupt and tries to force pure-hearted people to draw Doodles to work for him. One of his best Doodlers, Galileo (who is Zoe and Taro's father) disappeared and the king has been trying to seek revenge by taking away Zoe and Taro's homeland. Zoe and Taro don't know where Galileo went, and have been searching for their father by throwing notes in a bottle into the ocean. You must enter tournaments to get the money Zoey and Taro need to pay off the mortgage on their Homeland, help them search for their father, and eventually defeat the Doodle King himself.
Lançado a 20/03/2002
Magic Pengel está centrado no jogador, como uma personagem capaz de manipular um "Pengel" (que parece uma fada estilizada combinada com um pincel) para criar uma criatura, ou "Doodle". Usando o Pengel (pronunciado "pen-jell") como um cursor, o jogador simplesmente esboça os membros, o corpo e outras características. Dependendo da quantidade de tinta mágica gasta, e dos tipos de partes do corpo, a criatura receberá certas estatísticas e será criada. Com a ajuda de Zoe e Taro, o personagem treina e combate usando desenhos criados à medida, que podem ser trocados ou combatidos com as criações de outros jogadores. À medida que os Doodles lutam, tornam-se mais poderosos, e ganham pontos para a compra de Doodles pré-criados, e habilidades extra para a criação personalizável. Funções de combate de acordo com três selecções: ataque, magia, e bloqueio, assim como um comando de carga. As três manobras básicas seguem uma metodologia padrão de pedra-papel-tesoura, mas a repetitividade é minimizada devido aos atributos variados dos Doodles, bem como à incapacidade de repetir sucessivamente qualquer selecção.