Barbie: Vacation Adventure - Новости

Жанры: Adventure, Sport
Платформы: Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, Super Nintendo Entertainment System
In Wyoming, Barbie spends her time going on a camping trip. In her California home, she spends her days lounging in her apartment building. In Iowa, she goes to the local county carnival to help find an escaped pig. In Florida, she goes to the beach and plays volleyball and scuba diving. In Texas, Barbie plays with horseshoes. Barbie also has the option while enjoying the sights of Wyoming to ride on three different kinds of horses; each horse provides up to 23 frames of animation.

Краткое содержание:

Barbie: Vacation Adventure is an adventure video game that takes Barbie on educational field trips throughout the United States of America. It was planned for release in 1994.


Все о Barbie: Vacation Adventure:


